HBOT Update - 40 dives completed!
I wanted to capture some of the changes we've seen in Emma since we started her 40 rounds of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT). Emma's first dive took place on Dec. 21st and she finished her 40th dive on Feb. 12th. Her initial dives started at 1.3 ATM and we ramped her up to 1.5 ATM of pressure over time. Nearly all of her dives were done alone with me or Chris providing ample entertainment from outside the chamber. I kept a journal of changes we saw during the course of treatment and we are also hoping to see continued changes in Emma. I wanted to keep the journal since some children see amazing changes, some see moderate changes and others see no change at all. Going into HBOT we knew there was not a good test to predict what category Emma would fall into but we decided we had to give HBOT a chance and hoped that Emma would fall into the amazing change category. It's our understanding that it could take up to 3 months for us to see results from the course of treatment. There are various theories about why HBOT works well for some brain injuries and one focuses on HBOT resulting in stem cell generation and how those cells take time to migrate to the effected area of the brain which is why it can take 3 months. In our conversations with the doctor and nurse at the center we were told that, in their experience, the children who show some changes before the 40 dives are completed generally have the most positive outcomes a few months out. So, what did we see happen with Emma? The main change we have seen is that Emma is so much stronger, especially in her trunk and this is giving her much more confidence in her body. My motto for Emma lately is that "she is on fire!" I hope this continues as my hopes are up and sometimes I get high hopes and nothing comes of it. For now, I'm living in the moment and enjoying watching Emma blossom. Here are the changes we've seen in Emma since starting HBOT: