
Sunday, June 14, 2009

Dance Recital

This weekend mostly revolved around Julia's dance recital.  This is her first year in dance and I found out quickly that the year end events are planned for starting in November for the June event!  The studio that Julia takes lessons in does a recital every other year and this was the year for the recital, so I just had to put her in it.  Just thinking of the little ones dancing on stage makes me smile.

Julia had two routines - tap and ballet.  This required two different costumes, hairpieces and shoes.  It also required a bit of a time investment with the dress rehearsal on Thursday and a recital performance on Saturday night and on Sunday afternoon.  I was a stage mom on Saturday night so I was able to see the performance on Sunday with our families.  The kids did really well!  All of them showed up on-stage and most of them danced.  This is no small feat for a group of 15 three and four year olds.  Actually, all the routines in the first act were fantastic and the time just flew by.  What a great way to finish up the dance season!  Until next year.....

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